Uterus Transplantation

Uterus TransplaNT for Uterine Factor InfertiLity (UNTIL) Trial
This trial is not accepting new applications. Please review the information below for information on our uterus transplant program.
Uterine transplantation is a major breakthrough in the field of fertility. The goal of a uterus transplant is to enable women with uterine factor infertility to carry a child. 14 children have been born around the world to women who have undergone uterus transplantation. A uterine transplant is not for everyone and your physician may recommend other forms of treatment before deciding a uterus transplant is right for you. There is an extensive selection process and patients may remain in the study for 5-10 years after the transplant and pregnancies.
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Meet our Team
The UNTIL team is multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, and research investigators within University of Pennsylvania, including multiple divisions of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology as well as the Penn Transplant Institution.